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KS4: Introduction to Microbes

Students are introduced to the exciting world of microbes. In this lesson they will learn about bacteria, viruses and fungi, their different shapes and the fact that they are found everywhere.

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Objectifs d'apprentissage
Tous les élèves devront:
  • Understand that useful bacteria are found in our body
  • Understand that microbes come in different sizes
  • Understand the key differences between the three main types of microbe
La plupart des élèves devront:
  • Understand using a variety of concepts and models to develop scientific explanations

Micro-organisms are living organisms too small to be seen with the naked eye; they are microscopic. Micro-organisms are found almost everywhere on Earth and can be both useful and harmful to humans. It is important to clarify that microbes are not innately ‘useful’ or ‘harmful’.

Although extremely small, microbes come in many different shapes and sizes. The three groups of microbes covered in this resource are viruses, bacteria and fungi.

In this lesson, students will explore the characteristics of different microbes and become familiar with some of the most common and well known microbes through a game.

  • Microbe Mayhem Card Game
Matériel nécessaire:
  • Peer Education
  • Microbe Poster
  • History of Microbes Timeline
Liens avec le programme scolaire


  • Scientific thinking
  • Analysis and evaluation
  • Experimental skills and strategies


  • Cells
  • Development of medicines
  • Health and disease


  • Health and prevention


  • Reading
  • Writing

Art & Design:

  • Graphic communication

Ressources disponibles
Fiches enseignants
Hand Washing and Nose Blowing Flashcards
Fiches de travail pour les élèves
SW1 Picture Sequencing
SW2 Healthy Hands Washing Progress Chart