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investigación de un brote

En esta unidad didáctica, los alumnos aplicarán sus conocimientos  sobre buenas prácticas de seguridad e higiene alimentarias a lo largo del itinerario de los alimentos. La actividad principal sigue a John y a su madre durante la preparación de los platos de una cena con invitados.

Person unpacking shopping with EU flag and SafeConsume description
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Objetivos de aprendizaje

Todos los alumnos:

  • Aprenderán a identificar los microbios perjudiciales que se encuentran comúnmente en los alimentos
  • Identificarán las condiciones que promueven el crecimiento de microbios perjudiciales y cómo prevenirlas
  • Aprenderán a transportar, almacenar y preparar los alimentos de forma segura
  • Comprenderán los riesgos y las consecuencias de las intoxicaciones alimentarias

Información general

Food can contain useful and harmful microbes, as well as those associated with food spoilage. It is harmful microbes that can be associated with foodborne illness or ‘food poisoning’. The top five foodborne microbes in Europe account for about 70% of the health burdens related to foodborne illness and these include; Norovirus, Toxoplasma gondii, Campylobacter jejuni, Campylobacter coli. Salmonella enterica, and Listeria monocytogenes. Other microbes such as Bacillus cereus and Escherichia coli have also been associated with serious cases of foodborne illness.

These microbes can be found in raw meats, in eggs without a British Lion mark or equivalent quality marking outside of the UK, some dairy products, on the surface of fruits and vegetables, in dried food like pasta and rice or in ready to eat foods such as sandwiches and desserts.

Symptoms can include diarrhoea, stomach cramps, fever and vomiting and some foodborne illness may even result in death – though this is rare. The symptoms of foodborne illness usually start within a few days of eating the food that caused the infection and can usually be treated at home with rest and fluids.

Not all microbes associated with food are harmful. Useful microbes can be used to make food and drink, e.g., the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisae is used to make bread and beer. Lactobacilli bacteria are used in yoghurt and cheese making.

There are important steps you can take to prevent foodborne illness and spoilage that apply at all stages in the journey of food, from the shop to our plates:

  • Keep clean: maintaining hand and surface hygiene is the best way for avoiding foodborne microbes entering our food
  • Maintain the cold chain: keeping food in the fridge or freezer slows the growth of bacteria but does not stop it. Minimise the time food spends outside of the fridge or freezer
  • Prevent cross-contamination: preventing harmful microbes found on food from spreading to other foods (for example via our hands or kitchen utensils) and causing illness when those foods are eaten
  • Cook food such as meat thoroughly
  • Follow the advice on labels: labels placed on foods are used to determine when it is safe to eat the food, or when the quality of the food is at its best


Actividad principal:
  • Trabajo por parejas, grupos pequeños o en clase para investigar la causa de un brote de intoxicaciones alimentarias en una cena con invitados
Actividades de ampliación:
  • Debate en clase para revisar los datos sobre diferentes grupos de alimentos

Conexiones con el currículo

KS3: Educación sobre sexualidad y relaciones y educación sanitaria (RHSE)

  • Salud y prevención
  • Alimentación saludable


  • Seres vivos y sus hábitats

Materiales de apoyo

  • Última actualización Septiembre 2023
  • Español
  • SafeConsume


This resource was developed through the SafeConsume project, and funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 727580. Find out more about our partnerships on the Collaborating Projects page.

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