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Welcome to e-Bug

e-Bug, operated by the UK Health Security Agency, is a health education programme that aims to promote positive behaviour change among children and young people to support infection prevention and control efforts, and to respond to the global threat of antimicrobial resistance. e-Bug provides free resources for educators, community leaders, parents, and caregivers to educate children and young people and ensure they are able to play their role in preventing infection outbreaks and using antimicrobials appropriately. Scroll down to find out more.
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children in playground

Webinar - Embedding hygiene messages for a healthier school

e-Bug ran a live webinar to discuss how our resources can be used to embed key hygiene messages to support the health and wellbeing of school children
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e-Bug webinar thumbnail

Health protection in children and young people settings, including education

To support education and childcare settings, the UKHSA have developed guidance on how to prevent and control the spread of infections in these settings. The guidance recommends the use of e-Bug to support students in adopting behaviours that can help create a safer environment for all.
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Early Years

Teaching resources for ages 3-5

Key Stage 1

Teaching resources for ages 5-7

Key Stage 2

Teaching resources for ages 7-11

Key Stage 3

Teaching resources for ages 11-14

Key Stage 4

Teaching resources for ages 14-16


Find out how to access free training

Translated lesson plans

Teaching resources in other languages

Community Educator

Beat the Bugs

Activity resources for community groups and life skills sessions

Antibiotic Guardian Youth Badge

Activity resources to gain an Antibiotic Guardian Youth Badge


Deliver e-Bug Training

Find out how to become an e-Bug trainer

Become an e-Bug educator

Access training resources to become an e-Bug educator

SafeConsume Food Hygiene

Access support on how to teach KS3 and KS4 about food hygiene

About the e-Bug programme

The e-Bug programme is an international partnership where partners share the aim of reaching every child in every community with information on infection prevention and control, and antimicrobial resistance. Find out more about the partnership and the work going on to equip children and young people to respond to these issues.

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