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KS3: Useful Microbes

In this lesson, students learn that microbes can be useful, experimenting with Lactobacillus and Streptococcus to make their own yoghurt.

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Tanulási célok
Minden tanuló:
  • Understand that some microbes can be put to good use
  • Understand that we need bacterial colonisation to live a healthy life
Most students will:
  • Understand that we need to protect our normal microbial flora

Bacteria are single-celled organisms and although some of these cause illness and disease, others are helpful and useful. One of the main ways in which bacteria are beneficial is in the food industry. The natural by products created during normal microbial growth are used to make many of the food products we eat everyday.

Fermentation causes a chemical change in foodstuffs. It is a process by which the bacteria break down the complex sugars into simple compounds like carbon dioxide and alcohol. Fermentation changes the product from one food to another.

In this lesson plan, students learn how fermentation microbes are used to create food products and the conditions they need to grow and multiply quickly.

Fő tevékenységek:
  • Yoghurt Experiment
Main Activity video
Bővítő tevékenységek:
  • Microscopic Yoghurt
  • Food Production Poster
Tantervi kapcsolatok


  • Health and prevention


  • Working scientifically
  • Scientific attitudes
  • Experimental skills and investigations


  • Structure and function of living organisms
  • Cells and organisation
  • Nutrition and digestion
  • Material cycles and energy
  • Cellular respiration


  • Reading
  • Writing
Supporting Materials
Tanári útmutatás
Hand Washing and Nose Blowing Flashcards
Diák feladatlapok
SW1 Picture Sequencing
SW2 Healthy Hands Washing Progress Chart