Key Stage 3 Teaching Resources Students ages 11-14 years build on their learnings around useful and harmful microbes; hand, respiratory and food hygiene; vaccinations and antibiotics. They are also introduced to the topic of sexually transmitted infections. Lesson plans are designed to complement the National Curriculum for Key Stage 3. Download the complete lesson Micro-organisms Introduction to Microbes 50 Micro-organisms Useful Microbes 50 http:...
KS3: Respiratory Hygiene In this lesson plan, students learn how easily microbes can be spread through coughs and sneezes resulting in infection spreading over large areas. This lesson complements the Health and Prevention element of the new PHSE/RSHE curriculum for KS3. Scroll down for more information and to download resources. Download the complete lesson Understand that sometimes microbes can make us ill Understand that prevention of infection, where possible, is better than cure Understand not to spr...
KS3: Useful Microbes In this lesson, students learn that microbes can be useful, experimenting with Lactobacillus and Streptococcus to make their own yoghurt. Scroll down for more information and to download resources. Download the complete lesson Understand that some microbes can be put to good use Understand that we need bacterial colonisation to live a healthy life Understand that we need to protect our normal microbial flora Bacteria are single-celled organisms and although some of these cause illness...
Ressources enseignants Lycée Students ages 14-16 years build on their learnings around useful and harmful microbes; hand, respiratory and food hygiene; sexually transmitted infections, vaccinations and antibiotics. Lesson plans are designed to complement the National Curriculum for Key Stage 4. Download the complete lesson Micro-organisms Introduction to Microbes 50 Micro-organisms Useful Microbes 50 Micro-organisms Harmful Micr...
Microbes utiles Dans cette section, concernant les microbes utiles à l’humain, il est démontré aux élèves que la plupart des microbes sont utiles, en étudiant les différentes façons dont nous utilisons certains micro-organismes à notre avantage. Télécharger la leçon complète Tous les élèves : comprendront que les microbes utiles nous aident à développer une bonne santé ; sauront que la plupart des microbes nous sont bénéfiques ; sauront que les microbes peuvent être utilisés à notre avantage; comprendre que...
Activités sur l'hygiène des aliments à destination des élèves d'écoles élémentaires....