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KS3: Antibiotic Use and Antimicrobial Resistance

This lesson introduces students to the growing global public health threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) through an interactive bacteria flash card game.

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Learning objectives

  • Understand the appropriate use of antibiotics, the importance of completing prescribed courses, the risks of misuse, and the impact of antibiotic resistance on health.

Background Information

Antimicrobials are medicines used to kill or slow the growth of microbes and antibiotics are special medicines used by doctors to kill harmful bacteria. Some antibiotics stop the bacteria reproducing and others kill the bacteria. Antibiotics treat infectious diseases caused by bacteria, such as meningitis, tuberculosis and pneumonia. They do not harm viruses, so antibiotics cannot treat diseases such as colds, flu and COVID-19, which are caused by viruses.

Before antibiotics were invented, harmful bacteria were life threatening. Today, however, many bacterial infections are easily treated with antibiotics – but bacteria are fighting back. Through increased exposure to the antibiotics, bacteria are becoming resistant to them. This means that bacterial infections are once again becoming life threatening.

In this lesson, students are introduced to the growing global public health threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). They learn how antibiotics were discovered, their limitations, and why antibiotic resistance is a threat.


Main activity:
  • Antibiotics Can/Can’t Game
  • Antimicrobial Resistance Flash Card Game
Extension activities:
  • Growth of Bacterial Lawn
  • Antibiotic Resistance Debate Kit
  • Antibiotics Conclusions

Curriculum links

Curriculum Key Elements

  • Personal Health and Moral Character

Curriculum Skills

  • Communication
  • Managing Information
  • Thinking
  • Problem Solving and Decision-Making
  • Working with others

Curriculum Areas of Learning

  • Learning for Life and Work (Personal Development: Personal Health)
  • Science and Technology (Science: Organisms and Health)

Supporting Materials

Teacher sheets
KS3 Antibiotics teacher guidance
TS1 Antibiotics can/ can't answer sheet
Student worksheets
SW1 Antibiotics can/ can't
Student handouts
SH1-4 AMR flash card game