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KS2: Oral Hygiene

In this lesson, students learn how they can prevent tooth decay. The activities demonstrate the importance of brushing teeth twice a day to reduce plaque and how much sugar many common drinks contain.

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Learning objectives

  • Understand the importance of oral health by exploring the causes and consequences of tooth decay and developing effective habits to maintain healthy teeth.

Background Information

Bacteria can grow on teeth, clumping together to form a sticky substance called dental plaque. You will see this in your own mouth as a creamy line around your teeth or you may feel it as a furry layer with your tongue. If plaque is not brushed away regularly or there is a high frequency of sugar in the diet, the bacteria within the plaque can lead to tooth decay (caries).

Dental health is extremely important; over 23% of children in England have tooth decay and it is the main reason for children aged 5 to 9 being admitted to hospital. The good news is that tooth decay can be prevented by limiting the number of times we eat foods and drinks with added sugar, brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, and regularly seeing the dentist to check the health of our teeth and gums.

In this lesson plan, students learn what plaque is and how it can lead to tooth decay. Through an experiment, they identify how hard it can be to brush away plaque if left for too long, and that, alongside brushing regularly, avoiding sugary foods can also reduce the risk of tooth decay.


Main activity:
  • Attack the Plaque
  • Sugary Drinks
Main Activity video
Extension activities:
  • Tooth Brushing Diary

Curriculum links

Curriculum Key Elements

  • Personal Health and Moral Character

Curriculum Skills

  • Communication
  • Thinking
  • Problem Solving and Decision Making
  • Working with Others

Curriculum Areas of Learning

  • Personal Development and Mutual Understanding (PDMU)
  • The World Around Us (TWAU)

Supporting Materials

Teacher sheets
KS2 Oral hygiene teacher guidance
KS2 Attack the plaque - video transcript
Student handouts
SH1 Tooth brushing diary chart