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Deliver e-Bug Training

Explore the resources available for e-Bug accredited trainers. These can be adapted to suit the needs of your training participants. Don't forget to ask participants to fill in the evaluation form at the end of the training. Contact us at to receive the results.

e-Bug Training Manual
A manual on how to organise and deliver an e-Bug training
Download the resource
Folder A- Introduction to e-Bug
Training slides and references to introduce e-Bug during training sessions
Folder B- Hand Hygiene
Training slides and references to introduce hand hygiene during an e-Bug training
Folder C- Respiratory Hygiene
Training slides and references to introduce respiratory hygiene during an e-Bug training
Folder D- Introduction to e-Bug
Training slides and references to introduce oral hygiene during an e-Bug training
Folder E- Microbes
Training slides and references to introduce microbes during training sessions
Folder F- Antibiotics
Training slides and references to introduce antibiotics during training sessions
Folder G- Vaccinations
Training slides and references to introduce vaccinations during training sessions
Folder H- Sexually Transmitted Infections
Training slides and references to introduce sexually transmitted infections during training sessions
Folder I- Administration
Documents to support the administration of your training day