Early Years Teaching Resources Students ages 4-6 are introduced to positive behaviours for hand washing, respiratory and oral hygiene. Lesson plans are designed to complement the Early Years Foundation Stage framework. Download the complete lesson Preventing Infection Hand Hygiene 50 minutes /en-xi/ey-hh/ /en-xi/ey-hh/ Preventing Infection Respiratory Hygiene 50 minutes https://www.e-bug.eu/en-xi/ey-respiratory-hygiene https://www.e-bug.eu/en-xi/ey-respiratory-hygiene Preventing Infection Oral Hygiene 50 mi...
Early Years: Hand Hygiene Hand hygiene is one of the single most effective things children can do support preventing the spread of infection. This lesson supports children aged 3-5 to learn why it is important to wash hands properly and how to do so. Scroll down to find out more and to download the resources. Download the complete lesson Develop an understanding of how personal hygiene practices, such as handwashing and nose blowing, help to prevent the spread of germs and maintain health. Schools are a ...
Early Years: Oral Hygiene This lesson supports children to learn how to brush their teeth and to understand that we brush our teeth at least twice a day to avoid tooth decay. Scroll down to find out more and to download the resources. Download the complete lesson Understand how to take care of their teeth by brushing properly, why keeping teeth healthy is important, and how eating too much sugar can cause tooth decay. Dental health is extremely important; over 23% of children in England have tooth decay ...
Key Stage 3 Teaching Resources Students ages 11-14 years build on their learnings around useful and harmful microbes; hand, respiratory and food hygiene; vaccinations and antibiotics. They are also introduced to the topic of sexually transmitted infections. Lesson plans are designed to complement the National Curriculum for Key Stage 3. Download the complete lesson Micro-organisms Introduction to Microbes 50 https://www.e-bug.eu/en-xi/ks3-intro-to-microbes https://www.e-bug.eu/en-xi/ks3-intro-to-microbes Mi...
KS3: Hand Hygiene In this lesson plan, students learn how microbes can spread from one person to another by touch and why it is important to wash hands properly. Scroll down for more information and to download the resources. Download the complete lesson Understand the importance of hand hygiene in preventing the spread of infection and recognise how using soap effectively can reduce the risk of illness. Our hands are naturally covered by useful bacteria – Staphylococcus is a common example. However, we ...
Key Stage 1 Teaching Resources Students ages 6-8 are introduced to positive behaviours for hand washing, respiratory and oral hygiene. Lesson plans are designed to complement the Early Years Foundation Stage framework. Download the complete lesson Micro-organisms Introduction to Microbes 50 minutes https://www.e-bug.eu/en-xi/ks1-intro-to-microbes https://www.e-bug.eu/en-xi/ks1-intro-to-microbes Preventing Infection Hand Hygiene 50 minutes https://www.e-bug.eu/en-xi/ks1-hand-hygiene https://www.e-bug.eu/en-x...
KS1: Hand Hygiene Hand hygiene is one of the single most effective things children can do support preventing the spread of infection. By taking part in a classroom experiment, students will understand how soap or sanitisers work and that hand washing is the best way to remove microbes. Scroll down to find out more and to download the resources. Download the complete lesson Explore and understand how soap and sanitisers help remove microbes, and develop an appreciation for the importance of proper hand wash...
KS1: Respiratory Hygiene In this lesson, students learn how easily microbes can be spread through coughs and sneezes by recreating a sneeze. Scroll down to find out more and to download the resources. Download the complete lesson Investigate how coughs and sneezes spread microbes and understand the importance of practising good hygiene to prevent the spread of germs. Respiratory infections are infections that happen in the lungs, chest, sinuses, nose and throat, for example, coughs and colds, the flu and...
KS1: Oral Hygiene Pupils learn how plaque forms and why and how sugary food and drink can damage your teeth. Scroll down to find out more and to download the resources. Download the complete lesson Explore how plaque forms on teeth and understand the impact of sugary food and drinks on dental health, empowering them to make better choices to protect their teeth. Dental health is extremely important; over 23% of children in England have tooth decay and it is the main reason for children aged 5 to 9 being ...
Key Stage 2 Teaching Resources Students ages 8-11 years build on their learnings around microbes and hand, respiratory and oral hygiene. They are also introduced to the concepts of useful and harmful microbes, food hygiene, animal and farm hygiene, vaccinations and antibiotics. Lesson plans are designed to complement the National Curriculum for Key Stage 2. Download the complete lesson Micro-organisms Introduction to Microbes 50 https://www.e-bug.eu/en-xi/ks2-intro-to-microbes https://www.e-bug.eu/en-xi/ks2...